ISF World Seed Congress 2025


27-29 May

Bold horizons

thank you for joining the centennial world seed congress!

We were delighted to welcome a record-breaking nearly 2,000 delegates as we celebrated not only the association’s century-long journey but also the transformative power of seeds to shape a food-secure future

2024 continues to be a historic year for ISF as we mark our 100th anniversary. This Congress gathered seed professionals from all over 80 countries for business, trading, exhibition, panel discussions, and plenty of networking opportunities. Thank you for being a part of it!



This event is jointly organized by ISF and the Turkish National Organizing Committee.

Arthur Santosh AttavarPresident – International Seed Federation
Burak GönenCO-Chair of the National Organizing Committee
Yıldıray GençerCO-Chair of the National Organizing Committee

Agriculture in Türkiye

Türkiye is a leading country in agriculture, ranking 1st in Europe and among the top 10 globally, with an agricultural production value exceeding $60 billion. In 2023, the country produced 77.7 million tonnes of cereals and field crops, 31.8 million tonnes of vegetables, and 27.4 million tonnes of horticultural products.

The Turkish seed sector has a long history, with research and development in seed breeding starting in the 1880s. Today, over 300 companies and institutions are involved in R&D, and the country has 9,526 registered seed varieties. The sector has evolved from being dominated by public institutions in the 1980s to a thriving private industry, with 1,105 seed companies, primarily private, focusing on crops such as cereals, industrial crops, fodder crops, and vegetables.

The legal framework for the seed sector was established with the first seed law in 1963, and Türkiye is now a member of international organizations such as ISTA, OECD, and UPOV. The country has also formed key industry associations, including TÜRKTED and TURKTOB, to support the sector’s growth. In 2023, Türkiye produced 1.3 million tonnes of certified seeds and exported seeds worth $327 million, making it a net exporter to 117 countries. Türkiye’s strategic geographical location allows access to 50% of the world seed market within a 4-hour flight. The country benefits from favorable ecological and legislative conditions for seed production, and its experienced technical workforce and investment-friendly climate position it well for future growth. The upcoming ISF 2025 Congress in Istanbul is seen as a key opportunity to leverage Türkiye’s potential and expand its influence in the global seed market

Long-Term Sponsors

We would like to acknowledge our media partners. Thanks to them, we are able to tell a wider audience that the ISF World Seed Congress 2025 is an event not to be missed!